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Friday, October 19, 2012

Upcoming Work Session on JTC #311 - October 20, 2012

Just a reminder of tomorrow's upcoming work session at Rockhill Trolley Museum focused on removing the former Osgood-Bradley trucks from under Johnstown Traction Company #311 and returning them to the remains of former Scranton Transit Company #505.

Here are a few photos of when we removed the Brill 77E trucks and placed the Osgood-Bradley trucks under the car in 2008. 


Yes, it has been that long.  Unlike last time, this time we will be doing the lifting inside the shop to facilitate putting the car on stands to make underfloor structural, electrical, and mechanical work easier.

Keith Bray, our contractor hired to perform the structural repairs on JTC #311, has been making good progress.  Here are some examples of the progress being made.

This is a corner section removed and being replaced with new.  Note how thin the cross-section has gotten due to decades of deterioration.
This is a section of side sheeting removed.
This shows the bulging of the side sheet at the bolster.  Note how the body side frame is reinforced at the bolster.  The sheeting in this area will be removed as well.  The sag in the car will also be reduced as much as possible during the structural repairs.

Once the trucks are removed, body and frame work can move into high gear and may be done as as early as Christmas.  Please note that significant volunteer help is needed; metal working skills are not all that we need!  For example, all of the seats will need to be removed to allow better access for Keith's work.  David Brightbill has been sorting a myriad of interior parts and refinishing these; he could use additional help as well.  We still have to complete the door engine rebuilding, etc.  Bottom line, there is a role for all talents and skill levels.  Contact me and we will find you a task!