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Monday, May 12, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014 Maintenance Department Work Session

Dear Volunteers and Friends:

Rockhill Trolley Museum will have a Maintenance Department work session this Friday, May 16.  This session is to ensure our cars are ready for Members' Day and the start of the regular operating season.  I will be onsite by 9AM.

Prioritized projects for Friday are as follows:
- JTC #355: Grease side bearings and service controllers
- PSCT #6: complete repairs to door circuits
- P&W #402: reinstall coupler knuckles and lubricate couplers, including release mechanism (we are scheduled to tow the caboose with this car on Saturday)
- Liberty Liner Independence Hall: clean and lubricate controllers
- Carbon inserts: check/service all cars

New volunteers always welcome.

Thank you to all who keep the museum functioning.

Matt Nawn